Friday, March 12, 2010

Back to Writing

I'm back, but I've been wondering if this is a good idea. I know blogs work for some people, especially if they're already published. But I'm not. Yet.

To be honest, if I do all the daily reading and blogging that some agents have suggested as necessary to becoming a published writer, I'd never get back to my manuscript. I know, because I have been following all the blogs that I'm supposed to follow and I do interact in one forum, Writers Net, where I will continue to participate. But in doing this, I've lost track of my work. So I am giving up on following any, except for a couple of humorous and/or very informative agent and editor blogs, limiting it to 1-2 times a week. So now I can get back to my work. Yeah!

As for this blog, I will add to it whenever I feel the need to espouse my views, but I'm not going to make myself write here just because others have said I must have a blog. I'd prefer that if someone is going to read something I write, then for God's sake - read my BOOK. Once it's published, that is.

Here's a list of other things I'm not going to do at this time:
  • I'm NOT going on Twitter - I'm not twitter-pated. And I'm just enough of a private cave-dweller that I don't want people to know what I'm doing all of the time. This is something that would irritate me to have to do, which means I would probably be very snarky. And I don't like to be snarky, unless someone's been rude to me first. I admit, in those instances, I do enjoy giving a little snarkiness right back at 'em. I've always found it fun to have a contest of wits with someone who has no wits.
  • I'm not going to set up a website - at this time. I know how to set up a basic site, but when I do have one, I want it to be awesome. In other words, someone's going to be paid big bucks to set me up with a really great site.
  • Forget Facebook and MySpace. I will be willing to relook these sites in the future if a need comes up, but not now. Again, they would detract from my writing.
I don't want to come across as rude or uncooperative. I'm decisive and strong-minded, but nice, most of the time. For those times when I'm not - a PEEP marshmallow chick (or two) thickly coated with dark chocolate would not be amiss.

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