Monday, March 22, 2010

A Perfect Day

I don't know why I'm feeling so good today, but it's the greatest feeling in the world to have enough energy to actually enjoy moving around and getting things done, even if it is just around the house.

It's my perfect kind of day, too. The sky isn't just overcast, but has been dark with threatened rain all afternoon. The wind is just strong enough to blow my hair about my face - making me feel like a young girl again. It's a gently warm breeze with just enough cool in it that you can feel the coming rain. The lights are on in my kitchen, and it feels cozy and safe.

Days like these, as well as perfect spring days, are so wonderful and so rare that it should be against the law for anyone to have to work on these days. You don't get many of them and they should be enjoyed to the fullest like any other rare and intangible joy. You can't hold onto to these gems, they can only be enjoyed when they happen.

On New Year's Eve it came to me that this year is going to be a wonderful year. I've haven't felt that way about an upcoming year in over a decade. One reason, I'm finally going to have my surgery and then I can get my life back. To be able to once again walk, run, stand up and anything else I want to do without any discomfort will be a blessing.

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